Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Aimee in progress

This is the back piece of Aimee from Rowan's Vintage Style. I pinned it to the wall for a better perspective. See, I thought I might have too many increases before the armhole, creating little wings that jut too far out. It seems ok when I put Aimee on a similar size sweater. I guess I'l just have to finish the front, sew 'em up and try it on. It wouldn't be too tragic if I had to rip it back, the lace pattern is worked on US7 needles and goes pretty fast.
Aimee Back
Knitting hasn't progressed as much as it could have. The reason for this is that I've been dreaming about possible next projects and spent more time on the internet checking out yarns and knitting blogs. I love the corset pullover
(you can download the pattern for free from the website). For an absolutely gorgeous version, check out Cosmicpluto. I love the ribbon accent,this girl has great taste, evident in the color of her walls ;-)
Then there are countless Phildar cardis I'm oggling, as well as Tyrolean from Vintage Style and Laurent. Ah, choices...


Anonymous said...

How did Aimee turn out?

I'm an Oakland knitter, by the way...

Anonymous said...


I'm knitting Aimee and having a heck of a time... I can't figure out the pattern repeats. Well I get the first repeat but then all the following ones with the modifications are confusing. I keep thinking it's because it's a british pattern, but maybe there's something obvious I'm missing... Did you have similar problems?
