Believe me, for a week now I've tried to figure out how to put this picture up nice and big, but it's no use. Tried many other things. Now my eyes hurt from squinting at the screen. If you're afraid your eyes will hurt trying to decipher this chart, then please click on it; it'll lead you to a bigger one on my flickr account. Or I can email it to you. The talented Winnie of Knitting Escapism made this chart and kindly emailed it to me so I could post it. You should check out her latest post, she just finished the Springgrass knee-highs and they are fabulous. Initially mine were supposed to be knee-highs as well, but I wasn't happy with the way I worked the increases. Looking at Winnie's, she made the increases just like I did and they look fine. So, some time in the future, there will be a knee-high pair for me too. Not soon though, I'm a little socked out at the moment. This pair was finished just a few days ago, using my very own simple pattern.

It's just a yo,k2tog spaced every eight stitches, and every fourth round it moves one over, creating this simple but lovely spiral pattern. I call them my Mata Hari socks, don't ask why. Maybe it's the delicious red, and the yo's are like little bullet holes. Yes, I have an overactive imagination. My camera savvy BF also figured out a way to photograph the red in its true color (the above photo isn't) I didn't realize you could change film speed on our little digital camera, but you can, he changed the speed to 400, resulting in very true red pictures.

The color is right on, on both my iBook and the work PC.

They are knit top-down as I wanted to get better at picking up stitches without holes. These are my best top-down pair so far. But I think I prefer toe-up with short-rows for wearing comfort.

Koigu, and I just lost the band with all the info. They softened up nicely after a bath.
Love the socks! And I'm so glad the Koigu softened up.
Oh I love them! Are you going to share the pattern?
You're such an insprirational knitter. It thanks to you I'm knitting the Rebecca Eyelet Cardi and Aimee. You're costing me a fortune. STOP! ;)
Very nice! I love the color, and the simplicity of the pattern works so well.
Loving the red socks, would love pattern. and if you could email me the chart for the other pair, seeing as though the link won't open. I would greatly appreciate it. I am just loving all of your socks that you seem to be able to just whip out. MUST TRY HARDER....
you are a knitting machine! no, wait that sounds funny. I mean a knitting, er, goddess? er... inspiration? well, you know.
I love the socks!
I get all proud of myself for completing straight forward no nonsense socks and then I see all these fantastic lace socks and I have to go back to my little hideyhole and console myself with other projects...
I will, one day soon, attempt one of your lace sock patterns. It may take me a year to complete, but i will do it. You have inspired me.
Another pair of your socks I want to knit! Gorgeous. I have been doing a lot of thinking about what sort of sock pattern I will enjoy more than the one that I am doing at the moment and I think this would be exactly the right sort of thing. So much knitting to do and so little time :-).
Beautiful beautiful socks! I just adore the pattern, and would love to try it out. :-)
That sock pattern is so simple, yet so elegant. I am definitely going to try it soon!
You are AMAZING. I'm not avoiding you, I swear.I will write, but now I feel too shy.
your Mata Hari socks is gorgeous!! do you know that mata in malay means eyes and hari in malay means day? hehe.
I love your socks. You did such fabulous work. I would love to make a pair for myself sometime.
gosh i love them, i wish i wasn't so bad as making socks.
Oh, those are lovely! And it will be ..hmm.. easy to adapt the pattern with the details you gave. Have to make my own. Great colour, great job!
I always wanted to say: I love those socks!
Your socks are beautiful, great pattern.
Hey there. Is it still possible to get a pattern?
Sexy feet.
Those are gorgeous! Wow.
Wow, those are gorgeous, any chance of getting the pattern for them?
They're beautiful.
Those are truly beautiful socks and well executed. The simplicity of the pattern works so well.
Have you tried "Snag-It"? It's an awesome screen capture software and there's a free trial version. Google it and see if you like it. You can then capture (as a .jpg) and post a bigger picture of your chart, (I would think).
Your mata hari socks are beautiful. Could you please email the pattern to me?
OOoohh! Another project to add to my list! Nicely done. Marj
Great socks! I also love to make socks, but for years I've wondered what to do with the leftover yarn. Check my blog for my idea--I'm hooked on it!
Hey - I just wanted to let you know I'm working on my own pair of "Mata Hari" socks and thanks for the "pattern", such as it is. Mine are turning out very nicely and I have you to thank! So thanks! Also, thank you for the link to the Red Sweater project in your recent post. I know what I'll be knitting today...
Those are wonderful! *L*
Excellent job!
Love the socks. Please send the pattern if you can. Email is helarson04@yahoo.com. Blog is KnitRunSpin@blogspot.com. Thanks!!!
They look great in person & in the photo - did I read right, you have an iBook? Yet another Apple person to help me with my computer transfer woes. I just know I'm going to love my new computer when I figure it out.
Love the red socks. I would love the pattern. You are a wonderful knitter and your blog is great. Email is rozstitches@aol.com.
I also wanted to congratulate you on your Mata Hari Socks. They look wonderful! Also I´d like to leave a big "thank you" for telling the pattern. It inspired me to create some Mata Haris of my own, albeit mine have a smaller patter.
Love the socks! I wish I had a bigger chart, as I am a newbie knitter and these will be my first pair of handnit socks!
I would love to know more! Email is flashalee at gee male dot com!!
blog: http://lindyflash.livejournal.com/
like lots of people, I love these socks! As a new knitter, I'm inspired. If you have a copy of the pattern to hand, I would be soo happy to have one... ruthcraftyATpdw.org.uk
Thank you!!
I just started making socks. If this is an easy pattern could you share it with me via email? I've taught myself to make socks using 2 circular needles, I'm guess I could adapt?!?!
Would you be so kind as to email me the chart? My squinty eyes can't see it and Flickr is still a bit small for me.
Hi there! The socks look great!
Perhaps I'm a little dense, but are you doing one yarn over row and then three knit rows and then starting the next yarn over row knitting one more stitch at the beginning than you did the previous yarn over row? (Does that make sense?)
Thanks for your help! I can't wait to knit these babies :)
Very nice! I like it. honolulu webcams
I LOVE the Mata Hari socks! Could you send me a pattern, or just let me know whether the yo k2tog are every 4 rows? I tried starting these the other night and had some serious issues. :)
Thanks for sharing the pattern. I saw Grumperina's and knew it was the pattern I was searching for to show off some Yarn Ahoy. I'm casting on tomorrow!
Hi there,
I realize I'm a bit late to the party, but, I saw these socks and just knew I had to knit myself a pair. Is there any way you could e-mail me the chart/pattern?
47th verse, same as the first - if you get the chance, can you email me the pattern for your Mata Haris? I think they look amazing!!
I just saw these on Grumperina's knit blog, and I knew I had to make them! They look so awesome! I would be very grateful if you could e-mail the pattern for the Mata Hari socks when you have the time. :)
floderten AT gmail DOT com
Thank you in advance!
Love the socks! Anyway pattern to show them how to do them two at a time on two circulars?
Not sure if the first comment went through. Love the socks. Would you mind e-mailing it to me? I just started knitting socks and I am addicted to it. Thanks......
Sorry. The last post went through with the wrong e-mail. Would love a copy of the Mata hari socks. Just started knitting socks and love it. the correct e-mail address is
Those are gorgeous socks. I'm wondering if you are able to send the sock pattern out? I clicked on the chart from your blog page, but it is for a different pattern other than Mata Hari.
email: awanda@gmail.com
beautiful socks! i'm quite smitten with them, and would be so grateful if you'd share your pattern, such as it is, with me.
my email addy is kelyidtha@hotmail.com
much thanks!
The Springgrass socks are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing the chart on Flickr! I just printed it and will hopefully make these this summer.
Hello there! Lovely socks! I was wondering if I could get the pattern for them also..I'd love to try them and I have the perfect handpainted for it!
Could you please send me the pattern also!!!
Thanks so much
I too adore these socks. Am knitting with Koigu right now and have some more in my stash. These socks would be perfect. May I too have the pattern -- I knit using magic loop (it's easier since I am left handed) Many thanks and Merry Christmas. Mary Ann (knittingleftie@aol.com)
Is your Mata Hari sock pattern available via email? Thay are gorgeous and I have some Lorna's lace that I think would be great for it!
Thanks, Kimberly
Hi i just love youre blogg and like everyone here i just love these socks ,but im a new knitter so everything i knitt i need to have it written down for me ,so i would love the pattern for these socks if you would be so king
Can I get this pattern? I've been browsing patterns for 2 hrs! & this is the cleanest, nicest I've seen. Thanks -
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