Pattern: Kathy from Rowan's 'Cork Collection'
Yarn: 12 balls of Rowan Cork in 'Chilly'
Needles: US 10.5
The pattern calls for US 11 needles which I got perfect gauge with, but really, my stitches looked a lot better with the 10.5's and the gauge wasn't that much off. There is often a bit too much ease for my taste in Rowan patterns, so it worked out just fine. I shortened the front and back by about 4" and added some length to the sleeves. The sleeves are knit using two alternating skeins. I had purchased the bag of Cork some time ago and needed two more balls, which I found on ebay. It wasn't the right dyelot but at this point I was happy to have found that colorway at all. The new balls were a little lighter, but the yarn is heathered and you can't tell. Finishing took forever, there were soo many ends to weave in. I re-did the sleeve cap because it was a little short, the three-needle bind-off didn't look good with the ribbing so I undid both shoulders and used backstitch. Now I'm glad I did, the yarn is pretty stretchy and backstitch provides a little more stability. I'm happy with this jacket. Though it wasn't a love at first sight project, once I started I enjoyed the process so much. Cork feels a little crispy at first and my stitches looked wonky, but it blocks out very nicely. It's so soft! And warm, though the fabric is light.
What now? I'm feeling lost, like a dancer who just finished a great show and now sits in her dressing room in stillness, wondering where the magic went. The next project is already waiting for me in its bag, but somehow I can't start just yet, I need a little more time to...I don't even know what. Maybe I should finish my skirt for Isew?Iknit! so I can start planning the next sewing project, a bag. I've picked a pattern but I may be in way over my head with this one. More about this soon.
It's gorgeous!
Very nice this simple and elegant cardigan. I hadn't seen this pattern before. You look gorgeous in it.
Oh, so fabulous! Nice work!
I love it sooo much! When I saw the first pic on bloglines I thought it was from Rowan! gorgeous!
Cant wait to use my cork now
Yet another fab craftoholic FO...great job!
It looks beautiful! I really enjoy your blog and your FOs are absolutely inspiring :)
It's fabulous and very flattering!
so lovely! your photographer did a great job, too.
Looks beautiful. I have that same yarn in the same color, so I it's nice to know how it knits up.
yeah! lovely! fantastic fit and it looks super comfy. well done!
lovely sweater!!! your knits are always gorgeous.
Fabulous! The drape and fit are both very nice and also flattering! I would never want to take it off!
Your finishing job looks so professional. I am very jealous. It is a lovely sweater. Good job!
Are you weeding? Just kidding! It looks lovely, miss!
Your cardi is so lovely, Steph. Another piece of gorgeous knit. I love it.
Mmm... lovely! I'm almost envious... "almost" because ribbing over my behind? Not such a good idea :).
Lovely! I really like those cables.
it looks lovely, and drapes beautifully! I have never knit with Rowan Cork. I'll have to try. I know how you feel after the project is done. I have just finished my sudoku pillow, and find it hard to move to the next, it was so much fun to do!
Not only is it beautiful (which, really, the average knitted thing is, despite YKW) and well-made (no surprise from you) but - and this is the impressive part - it's extremely flattering, which too few cardigans are. Love the waist shaping. Great choice of yarn, great choice of pattern, great execution.
Thank you for posting this. Now I know exactly what I want to do with my Cork.
Your sweater is beautiful.
The sweater looks lovely on you. Waist shaping is so flattering and feminine. Beautiful job
Looks great on you, and so comfy.
I'm adding this sweater to my future "to knit" list!
What an elegant sweater! It's such a shame about Cork; it's nearly impossible to find anymore, I think.
Your photos look like a professional shoot. They're really well done.
such a flawless knit. It looks absolutely comfortable and elegant. Cork is a fabulous yarn.. I still wonder why they discontinued it.
Wunderschön ist Kathy geworden, und sie passt dir ja perfekt. Ich bin neidisch! ;-)
great job!! it looks very professional.
Your cardigan looks so good. Very professional looking.
Hab deinen Post leider erst heute entdeckt, aber ich reih mich gleich in all das Lob und die Komplimente mit ein. Kathy ist so schön, genau die hätte ich jetzt gern an weil ich so friere. Und sie steht dir so einmalig gut und ist toll gestrickt und vernäht. Supersuperschön!
Ich hab mir auch grad deine Flickr-Slideshow angesehen, da sind ja wunderschöne Sachen dabei, die Jacken die du bisher gemacht hast, gefallen mir alle supergut. Von den Socken erst gar nicht zu sprechen, die Geduld und das Können möcht ich haben, um Socken mit den kompliziertesten Lochmustern zu machen. Danke auch für den Tip mit den Ordnern, ich bin jetzt richtig fasziniert von der Idee alles schön nach Themen einzuordnen. Und du hast recht, Ringbücher oder Ordner sind besser, es soll ja eine Menge reingeklebt werden. Werd mir jetzt dann mal einen Stapel zulegen und losschnippeln.
Ein schönes Wochenende wünsch ich dir, viele liebe Grüße aus der alten Heimat,
That is just such a marvellous piece of knitting and beautifully photographed. Fantastic!!
It looks wonderful! Congrats on completing it!
It's beautiful - hate to think how long it would have been though. Good luck finding your next project (I'm sure something will tickle your fancy soon).
I love it - the perfect cardigan - you'll get a lot of wear out of this one. And I know that feeling - that having the next project lined up but not ready to start it - I get that when I've just finished a really good book - almost like you need a little down time or something before you dive into the next one... :-)
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