Thursday, December 21, 2006

The sweetest words

A girl could her from her squeeze:
"Will you teach me how to knit (omg, is he really asking me to teach him to knit, that is so awesome, I never thought he would ask!!) a pair of socks (what??? Oh no. Not socks, way to complicated, lets see if I can divert)
"That's great, but how about we start you on a scarf first?"
"No, I want to make a pair of socks for you"
Aaahhhh. So sweet. How can I squash his ambitions now? And why not socks, he's good at figuring stuff out quickly. So what will bf find under the ficus on Christmas Eve? His very own yarn! I haven't quite figured out what to pick, though trust me, it'll be aran weight or bigger. Any suggestions?
I've been busy with knitting. Bf's Christmas socks are finished and I started his birthday pair. The argyle vest is still waiting for its collar and armbands. After having breezed through the pattern, I'm experiencing a strange stiffling fear about these last few things that need to be done. Here's a picture how the vest looked a few weeks ago.
Lovely Blue Sky Alpaca melange, you make me swoon! And then more swooning over this.
I already starting swatching for this lovely coat, with Rowan Yorkshire Tweed Chunky, but I'm having a hard time getting the regular k1p1 ribbing to look neat and even. I've tried to k1tbl, p1 on one row and p1tbl,k1 on the next, and that gets me better results. Are there any other tricks I could try?


yaiAnn said...

Yay for colorwork. I can't wait to see it next week!

Anonymous said...

so lucky! I keep trying to get the bf to knit but he won't....yet!
how about good ole rowan cork?

Anonymous said...

I've downloaded Flicca but am not too thrilled with my K1, P1 rib either (although p1tbl will drive me insane)! How about K1tbl, p1 then p1, k1 on the WS?

Nadia said...

My partner said that he wanted to knit a couple days ago. Isn't it just the cutest thing?

Anonymous said...

My first "socks" were Knitty's fuzzy feet.

They use worsted weight yarn and larger needles. The heel flap is so easy because it's done on a grander scale.

HPNY KNITS said...

i love the alpaca vest, very delicious!
the rowan Yorkshire tweed may not work. I find that tweedy chunky yarn does not lay very flat. I can see tweed will be atractive here, maybe one that is less chunky.

Stacey said...

what about a nice worsted weight yarn (something smooth and easy) to make a quick pair of socks on bigger needles? The vest is wonderful - can't wait to see it completed!

if you hear any good tips about ribbing, please post them! My k1p1 always looks icky and uneven....

Anonymous said...

Da weiß ich jetzt ehrlich gesagt nicht, ob ich dir gratulieren soll oder das Gegenteil. Ich hab vor vielen vielen Jahren mal versucht, einem Freund das Stricken beizubringen und irgendwie scheinen Männerfinger doch anders gestrickt zu sein, auf jeden Fall wars für uns beide anstrengend, aber was tut man nicht alles aus Liebe. Andererseits stell ich mir toll vor, wie ihr euch dann die einzelnen Modelle aufteilen könnt, ein Jäckchen strickst du selber, den Pulli macht er dann für dich, du dafür seinen Pullunder usw. Ja, eigentlich sehr nett.
Und links verschränkte Maschen hab ich auch mal versucht, ich brauch da für jede gut 5mal so lang. Bei einem Mantel würd ich damit wahrscheinlich Jahre brauchen. Würden nicht nur die rechtsverschränkten genügen? Oh mein Gott, ich merk grad was für eine bequeme Strickerin ich bin, und du machst alles immer so perfekt und bis ins Detail schön, ich seh schon, da muß ich auch noch eine ganze Menge an mir arbeiten.
Viele liebe Grüße,
Den Pullunder find ich toll!

maritza said...

OhmyGOD! You are so lucky! That is so unbelievably sweet of him!
Funny, we had a ficus tree for the last five years (we found it a new home when we moved), and we used to string lights on it and celebrate with it as our Chirstmas tree. Glad to hear there are others with the same ficus substitution/appreciation.
The vest is coming along beautifully, by the way.

Carol said...

awwww, how sweet!

Anonymous said...

Ribbing done in the combined method (a la Annie Modesitt)turns out very nice.

Unknown said...

Can't really help with the ribbing but will be interested to see how it goes, I really love that pattern and hadn't thought of trying it with Yorkshire Tweed.

Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my finished quilt, I am delighted to hear you say it looks vintagey as that is just what I was after. Sorry to be so behind on responding to comments, the computer has been under the table for the last couple of weeks.

String Bean said...

I'm trying to knit your Orchid lace pattern from your 2005 archives and I'm having some trouble with it. The ribs on either side aren't lining up at all. I charted out the pattern to see if that would help, but no such luck. Can you help me out or tell me where you got the lace pattern?

Anonymous said...

You might find this article particularly interesting:
