"I'm tired, you try kntting with no thumb. Now where's that tuna she promised me?"
I love, love, love this pattern, it's so beautiful. The first glove took me about two weeks because of a broken dpn that needed replacing and because I figured out a neater way of doing the increases after I completed the thumb gusset, which then got ripped.

I was afraid there would be a snafu waiting, some place where the pattern just wouldn't work for a mitt. But it didn't happen, it worked perfectly! Yeah!

I inserted the thumb gusset between a horizontal pattern repeat and made it one vertical pattern repeat high.

After I completed the gusset, I knit one more pattern repeat, followed by a row of k1p1 ribbing before starting the fingers, which allowed the pattern to sort of flow into the fingers.

Can you tell I'm really excited about these? My first FO for myself this year.
Yarn: Koigu in a light silvery blue shade, I always lose the ball bands at my LYS when I wind the hanks.
Needles: 2.25mm Crystal Palace Bamboo dpn's for arm and palm; 2.25 Brittany small dpn's for thumb and fingers
Pattern: I figured out the gloves on my own after checking out glove patterns all over the internet. The stitch pattern is from Knitty's Pomatomus socks.
I cast on the same number of stitches which, combined with a smaller needle, makes for a snugly fitting glove. Despite the thin yarn, small needles and lacy pattern, these gloves are very warm and squishy, due to the ribbing I think.
My Kathy cardi is just missing its sleeves. Since there are no cables on the sleeves I'm hoping to complete them this week so I can have a seaming party next weekend and hopefully pictures.
My skirt...ahem. I got another pattern, more swingy and made another muslin. It ended up being so long and full that I just need a matching top to have appropriate attire should I consider becoming a nun. Good thing there is another weekend before the deadline.
These are absolutely gorgeaous. The yarn colour is perfect for the pattern. They remind me of sky and clouds reflecting on the surface of still water on a sunny summer day. And nothing that brings up toughts about summer and nature can be anything else but beautiful.
Those are stunning. Excellent job!
Gorgeous! I've got some lovely sagey green koigu in the stash that I didn't know what to do with. Now I do.
simply stunning. i always get those pesky holes between the fingers. any tricks to closing those annoying little holes?
So pretty! The yarn colour is wonderful and looks great with the pattern.
What a wonderful adaption of the pattern! They look absolutely marvelous!
Those are the best fingerless mitts I have ever seen. By far. Gorgeous and brilliant!
Wow. Your gloves are amazing. I love them!
That pattern is gorgeous in gloves! And your kitty is adorable!
those are stunning, the color and the pattern are gorgeous. great job
Great adaptation! I love the way the fingers naturally sprout from the pattern.
They turned out great! I love love love the color you chose for them!
Your kitty is so sweet. I love tabbies.
they are absolutely beautiful. you have such a classic eye to seek out vintage looking patterns! i'm not into mittens but if i were to make one, this would be it!!
Gorgeous and inspiring!
Alison in Minnesota
Those are so beautiful (not to mention that pink top, too)! That shade of Koigu is awesome!
Absolutely gorgeous and so well executed...what an inspiring idea.
Beautiful! The yarn and pattern together are so perfect and I love how you worked the pattern into the fingers!
They turned out so beautifully, love them!!
Those are one of the most beautiful things I've seen in knitting blogland - the colour and the stitch go together absolutely perfectly. Wow!
Die sind so wunderschön und perfekt, du kannst wirklich stolz sein. Und was für eine süße Katze du hast! Ich hoffe, sie wurde tatsächlich mit Thunfisch belohnt, sie hätte es verdient ;-)
Lieben Gruß
oh wow, so gorgeous! i love the yarn with that pattern. pretty pretty pretty
WOW that is totally totally gorgeous. I love your outfit too!
Incredible. I love how the fingers flow seamlessly out of the lacy ribs. It's obvious that you put a lot of thought into this project. And such a clever idea, too! :-)
YES! they look so awesome, WAY more interesting than the socks even! ha, i am definitely going to consider making these as a gift for someone. great idea. did you use one or two hanks of koigu? and what size needles? (if you dont mind me asking.... )
thanks for sharing!
wow! i love, love, love those. you are oh so clever adapting that pattern.
Die sind ja ein Traum, wunderwunderschön und extrem toll gestrickt. Absolut perfekt, wie das Muster am Handrücken in die Finger übergeht, mein ganz großes und dickes Kompliment an dich. Und sie sehen so großartig aus, daß wahrscheinlich jeder sie jetzt haben will. Super gemacht!
OMG! Those gloves are absolutely gorgeous! You are so clever.
Absolutely gorgeous. I especially like how you worked in the thumb gore with the pattern. Nice job!
CUTE kitty!! He really does look exhausted poor thing. ;-) I love, love, love the gloves - that color and the stitch pattern are perfect. Great job!
This is simply gorgeous. pomatomus has never looked this good before - the light blue makes the pattern stand out.
wow! the gloves look great!
Just amazing!
wow, clever and beutiful!
simply lovely. the subtelty of that color and the soft looking surface of the fiber is just perfect for the pomatomus pattern! and what a great idea to make them into handwear!! Beautiful!!
Oh my god – SO beautiful!
Oh, wow! Talk about a cool twist. You get an A+ for ingenuity and execution. They are beautiful and so unusal. Go you. :-)
Beautiful! What did you do to reverse the pattern so the two are mirror images of each other? I wanted to do that with the socks, but read on someone's blog that the ktbl's had to twist the other way in order to get the same effect. Inquiring minds want to know.
Wow, those are exquisite!
Those gloves are beautiful!!
These are stunning. I was just thinking I needed to make the socks, but now I'm thinking its all about the gloves.
Thanks for sharing.
Wow. Gorgeous! And Mermaid Gloves is such a perfect name for them. They have a scale-like look to them -- but in a GOOD way. ;)
Oh my gosh! I love Pomatomus but never thought to make it into gloves! Beautiful!
Everything about these gloves is amazing! I love the color, the pattern the way you made them fit (like a glove). You should be proud of your first FO of the year, because they are really beautiful!
That rocks!!
Just have to add how great these are. Wonderful pattern, I love how seamless it is. Best pair of gloves I've seen.
I wasn't crazy about Pomatomus in sock form, but your fingerless gloves are breathtaking. I'll be casting on for some in no time!
How many skeins of Koigu did you use - one or two?
What an ingenious way of transforming an already smart pattern into something far more elegant. Wow, your fingerless gloves are gorgeous. But, will you ever need to wear them? I mean for keeping your hands warm, not pretty.. ;-)
Oh my goodness! I just love them. Beautiful color, and a great use of the Pomatomous pattern. Congratulations!
Oh, they are so beautiful!
Elegant and romantic; well well done.
Wow! Those are great, very pretty. You need to post the pattern to these. I would love to knit up a pair.
Amazingly beautiful gloves. Simply gorgeous, fantastic, wow!
I'll change my potamus socks to gloves too :-)
Kind regard,
Claudia from Stuttgart, Germany
These are unbelievably gorgeous!!! can you please post the pattern??
please please please???
Wowowow! I love these. Will you be sharing the pattern?? Great color choice, so fancy and modern all at once!
They are soooo beautiful!
I'm sure Shiva is jealous.
Very Excellent!!
Beautiful! The pattern works really well for your fingerless gloves.
Fabulous. Stunning. I just love how these turned out!
I want to make these right NOW. Lovely.
wow! those gloves are amazing! you should consider writing up the pattern :)
OMG - those are just stunning! will you be posting the pattern, they are just beautiful! And the right colour and....
These gloves are just beautyfull!!
I just wanted to say these are awecome!
OK, so I just saw your mermaid gloves for the first time...! Are you sharing the pattern for how you created them? Please oh please!
those are just astonishing. good for you. amazing.
These gloves are amazing. How much Koigu did they take ? I'm inspired.
Wow! These are amazing. Pattern coming??
Those are awesome! My dd would love them. Then, she'd probably want the socks, too.
Wow!! Those are fantastic!!!!!
Magnificient job, and beautifully done! Why not sell the pattern, after all your hard work? They look like tattoos of the Japanese ocean design, and the color you used, along with the yarn and needle sizes, shows the pattern off so much better than the socks, as I checked out that link first. No comparison! Sure, we are all greedy for the pattern, but we also all buy patterns from everybody else. The difference between your gloves and everything else on the market is so great, I think you merit compensation for your talent.
I just finished making these beautiful gloves, using Ann Budd's glove pattern from The Handy Book of Knitting Patterns and Steph's notes. You can see them at www.flickr.com/photos/poorlysorted
or all of my knitting at
Thank you for the inspiration! I had the best time figuring this pattern out, and I don't know if mine are as good as yours but I am so pleased with them.
These are absolutely beautiful!!! any chance you have the pattern for sale?? oh please say yes!!!
Simply put, they rock. anyways, I'm sure you've been asked this a bagillion times, but how much yarn did you use?
Wow, these are gorgeous, I don't suppose you make any for sale or know where I can buy some? I am really bad at knitting. :( If you would be interested in selling some or could help me please email me at kidlin@hotmail.com ... will pay well!!!
those are beautiful, i just finished my Pomatomusii, and now I want to do these as well, along with 1000 other things, but these are right at the op of the list. now if only I had some super soft alpaca ....
Your Mermaid Gloves design is stunning and absolutely irresistable! I've made them for myself, and my sister has even asked me to make them for her too. (That just doesn't happen!)
The thumb gusset truly mystified me and not being a glove knitter I did something a little unusual with it. Since the creative inspiration is all yours I'd be flattered to have the opportunity to show you what I did. I hope you don't mind that I posted instructions on my blog, FurrPurls.
Thanks so much for sharing such a wonderful design!
Where can I get the pattern?
I just had to say that they are absolutely beautiful! I would be afraid to try them myself...looks complicated. You did an awesome job.
Absolutely stunning gloves. I'm madly in love with them. Could you post or forward the pattern to me so I can also adapt the hand part to show the gloved piece.
Thanks SO much!!
Hi, Is there any way I can do these beautiful gloves in crochet? My daughter is looking for this kind of glove and I am having a hard time finding any crocheted.
They are absolutely gorgeous
I love these!!! How do I get a copy of YOUR pattern. I'm not that adept at knitting yet to do one on my own!!
I also loved your pattern! How can I get a copy? (I'm not so gifted as you to figure it out by myself!!! *lol*)
Thanks for your interest in the mermaid gloves, I don't have a pattern written up, but by now there is a spin-off of these on Knitty, and some folks at ravelry have posted approximate patterns as well.
Hey I was just wandering, how many charts of A do you do before you do chart B?? if you could tell me and give me brief explanation of the processes of making this glove it will be much appreciated. Thanks!
these mitts are beautiful! I've looked at the examples that other people have posted on ravelry, and yours are the only ones which manage to have the waves swirling in opposite directions. how did you manage that?
Is there any chance you would take an order for a pair of these?? They're absolutely gorgeous and I'd love to have some :) My email is luludi.k [at] gmail dot com ~
These are just beautiful. I really want to make some but have never knit fingerless gloves before, but have knit several socks. Maybe I will try to find another pattern before attempting these.
I reeaally want to make these.They are so pretty! On ravelry it says the pattern is available for free and then it links over to here, but I can't see where to click. Please help me! I'm jonesing. Badly! dorotheaconde@hotmail.com
I love your Mermaid gloves ~ my daughter fell in love with them and I would love to get the pattern for her. I have been knitting for about 30yrs and have never found anything quite so unique and feminine. Is there any way that you would share your pattern ~ I would so much appreciate it.
I would love to buy a pair of these for myself and my 2 daughters- does anyone knit and sell. I am not a knitter although I have tried - carpal tunnel put an end to my attempt. They are so gorgeous!
I just LOVE the pattern on the gloves. I am getting ready to move to Colorado and they would be Perfect! Is there any way you would be willing to share the pattern? Please e-mail me at Tiffany.riggins@ymail.com
I look forward to hearing from you!
Tiffany, Houston, Tx
So beautiful and gorgeous and completely inspiring :')
They are lovely! where can I get the pattern? I was on Ravelry and it took me here to your blog? do you e-mail them to me? my e-mail is inspire.ayu@gmail.com . thank you.
I tried to download your beautiful pattern. How do I get the instructions for your beautiful gloves....I wanted to make them for my daughter for Christmas but I am sooooo tempted to make them for myself first!
my e mail ...my contact is lrsino on Raverly.....thank you.....
We are all about Fingerless Gloves. We love them. We make them. We sell them.
fingerless mittens
I would absolutely LOVE to do these mittens.. do you have the pattern specs for it?? I know it's for a sock but what's the mitten pattern??
And where is the complete pattern?
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