Summer just started in SF. July and August had been unusually foggy and chilly, so I ended up spending more time indoors working on projects. Sorting through my fabric storage I came across a few yards of Kona cotton in bright greens and blues, destined for a quilt I was no longer interested in making. But the longer I looked at it I realized that one of my best friends, who also happens to be my cousin thrice removed, loves these colors. Though we live thousands of miles apart we are very close and I decided to make a quilt for her, big enough to cuddle under on the sofa, or take outside for a picnic. Using five colors total, I paired each dark or cobalt blue triangle with a green, jade, or light blue one and put them together randomly. Unfortunately I discovered the awesome half-square-triangle (or hst in quilter's lingo) technique after I was done cutting my squares into triangles. I read somewhere that triangles aren't maybe the best project for a novice quilter because the bias edges can stretch, and yes, my resulting squares don't all line up perfectly. But she won't care, and I, despite my perfectionist tendencies, don't really either, and love how the quilt turned out, crooked squares and all. For the back I used what was left of the green and jade Kona cotton, divided by a band of blue. I machine-quilted it with turquoise cotton thread and diagonal lines, and applied the binding using this awesome
technique by
turning*turning. Voilà!

It felt good to use supplies I already had that were perfect. I started the quilt in July and completed it just last week.
Back in July I also won this beautiful owl softie in a give-away hosted by Emma, creator of the wonderful blog
the marion house book.

I recently cleared out a lot of style blogs from my reader, because I got tired of looking just at stuff. The marion house book though has a wonderful mix of interior design (love the hello! neighbor house tours), recipes, art, and diy projects, and every post is inspiring. The beautiful owl is one of a kind made by artist Becky Lane, you can see and read more about her work at
i beast you.
Gina asked after my last post what ever happened to the Aaren dress I was knitting last year. Hmm. So this is what happened: I knit both the front and back up to where I needed to decide on the neckline (didn't feel like the crew neck, didn't want a turtle neck either) and then totally lost steam. I know it wouldn't take that long to finish it, but at this point I'm not even sure if I still want to make and wear a knit dress, even though the pattern is so pretty. So I plan to wait until it gets cold again to get in the mood for cozy knits and revisit the dress. Finish or frog, that'll be the question.
The quilt shimmers like the deep turquoise waters of the Mediterranean. Just beautiful!
I vote for you to finish the Aaren. It would look so good on you! But I understand your steam-loss. It happens to me all the time!
The quilt colours are lovely and I'm with you about using supplies you alread had - stash busting yeah!
I love how big the squares are! it's like a ton of pinwheels in the sky.
and I vote for finish even though I don't even remember the dress :)
What a lovely quilt! I think you just have to go with your gut feeling about finishing the dress or not.
The quilt is BEAUTIFUL! I love the colors. You are really inspiring me try out quilting.
That quilt is absolutely gorgeous and the owl looks perfectly at home in the tree. So happy it went to a good home!
That's a beautiful quilt and that owl is amazing!
The colors in your quilt are beautiful, as are your photos and the quilt too of course.
The quilt colors are lovely. it's like a ton of pinwheels in the sky.
Sherman Unkefer
Beautiful quilt!
Very beautiful, thanks for sharing.
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نصائح لتجنب تسربات المياه نهائي من شركة كنزى و نصيحة عامة يجب عليك ان تنهي اثار التسريب بشكل مستمر لحين حل المشكلة لكى لا تتعرض للكثير من المشاكل حتى تقوم بحل المشكلة مثل الاتي. 1ــ اغلاق الصنابير 2ــ مشكلة تسريب حوض الاستحمام 3ــ مشكلة تسريب السيفون 4ــ مشكلة اغلاق الاحواض
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كشف تسربات المياه بجدة . لتحديد اماكن تسرب المياه ووجود الحلول السريعة على العميل وتنفيذ لك منها مع وجود الصمان التام لجوده خدماتنا وايضاً الى توفير خدمات ما بعد الصيانة من اقدم ليكم خدماتنا باقل سعر على مستوى المنطقة كلها مقارنه اسعار شركات كشف تسربات بالشركات الثانية ستجد الفرق الكبير .
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