While I was working on the gloves my imagination got a little carried away and I thought about a whole knitted skin-tight Pomatomus outfit. For Halloween, of course. Yes this is a crazy idea and I'm not considering it seriously, but it's just a cool thought, just picture it.
Last week one of the blogs I read featured photos of the Redsweaters Project. I had heard about it, but didn't know it was just a few minutes away from my house. Driving up the street all of a sudden a bright red tree pops out from amid the greenery leading up to Bernal hill.
It was a beautiful sight, and at this sunny carefree Sunday it was hard to think of its reason for being. When I went to the website last week, 87 more sweaters were needed. Today it is 93.
Here are a couple of links I wanted to share with you:
Quilter Ian Hundley has currently a show in New York. His quilts are influenced by aerial views and maps. I think I saw a link to another quilt artist who works like this on whip-up the other day. Unfortunately there is only one quilt on his site. I'm particularly fascinated by these types of quilts as they remind me of a childhood thing I used to do on train or car rides. I'd be staring at the side of the road, watching all the shapes and colors meld together and wishing I could make it into fabric. Wouldn't that make some interesting clothing? I'd still love to do this someday.
For my birthday last month I gave myself a subscription to Selvedge, a British magazine featuring all things textile. Purchasing it at my bookstore here has always given me pangs of guilt as it is rather expensive, but a subscription is much cheaper. You save even more if you go for the online version instead of the paper. Maybe you could get your local library to subscribe to it. The last issue had articles on vintage feedsack clothing, the Jaipur Arts festival, silk walls, the Korean craft Poyagi and other textile artists. The photography is beautiful. I always learn something new and it is tempting me to go back to school to get a degree in Textiles.
Wow, that just looks like streamers frm afar. Must try to get out there to check it out!
Heh - little red sweaters hanging form trees. Very amusing!
Love the mermaid mitts. Gorgeous. I had already thought of doing fingerless gloves with the yarn left over from pomatomus and now? I think I'd better do it! Thanks for the inspiration :-)
Thanks for sharing your pictures of that tree - it's very lovely and cool.
Ds war ein wunderbarer Bericht, den hab ich mit solcher Begeisterung gelesen. Der Wuilt von Ian Hudley erinnert mich an ein Kaleidoskop, das hatte ich als Kind so gern, da konnt ich stundenlang schauen und staunen. Schade, daß man sowas im Alter vollkommen vergißt. Selvedge ist wirklich toll, hab es mir grad angeschaut, werd noch eine Nacht drüber schlafen. Und seit ich die Blogs kennengelernt habe, denk ich oft, ich hab den falschen Beruf, ich hätt viel lieber was mit Textil und Design und so machen sollen. Wie sich die Gedanken oft gleichen.
Ich wünsch dir eine schöne Woche,
liebe Grüße aus Bayern,
Diese Tippfehler sind ja peinlich! Entschuldige bitte!
Thanks for the pics of the red sweater tree. I just checked out the website. So beautiful, but also so sad.
The picture of the red sweater tree, and the story, makes me sad, but I'm glad to see it.
Anyway, I really like your blog ;), love your mermaid gloves too.
looking all those red sweaters, I'm truely at a loss for words. Thank you for sharing, I hadn't heard of the project before.
Your mermaid gloves are beautiful! Great job : D
thank you for this story. I downloaded the pattern and will get to it, plus, I posted it for my knitting meetup group.
sad that we need so many, and the numbers are growing, but good to know so many of us do care!
i love selvedge and have thought about subbing to it also, but like you, i enjoythe cheaper price i get via the bookstore. had not seen the red seweater project. thanks for the write up/link will have to read more about it.
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